Note: This is the 4th of 3 previous posts about hacking Google Apps to attempt to create a usable Booking System. First run this code from the Script Editor. It will make you a "Calendar Sheet" with X number of items as columns and Y dates as rows. function create_a_blank_calendar_sheet ( ) { // Run this from the Script Editor to create a Calendar Sheet. var ss = SpreadsheetApp. getActiveSpreadsheet ( ) ; var sheet = ss. insertSheet ( "Calendar" ) ; //this'll fail if there is one already... var result = Browser. inputBox ( "How many x items" , "e.g 10 or 25 etc" , Browser. Buttons . OK_CANCEL ) ; if ( result == "cancel" ) { //Browser.msgBox("CANCEL: " + result) } else { //headers? sheet. insertColumnsAfter ( 1 , result ) ; for ( i = 2 ; i < result ; i ++ ) { ...
Collaborative Tools Project