I used the MIT App Inventor site to create an Android app that... Uses the camera to take a picture and saves it to the device's gallery Let's you select a picture from the gallery The image is converted into base64 and uploaded to a web app Additionally, it also sends rotation and lat/lng coordinates and lets you add a textual comment as well. This Android app sends it to an Apps Script web application inside a Google Spreadsheet here . The web application saves the image to Google Drive, makes a thumbnail of the image then gets the latest 3 thumbnails from the sheet and returns it. Inside the Android app is a WebViewer component that displays those images, that gets updated once the image is uploaded. It's not pretty but it works. This app wouldn't be possible without the TaifunFile, TaifunTools and SimpleBase64 extensions. Thanks, all. The App Inventor code is here . You can import an .aia file directly into MIT App Inventor. There was some tricky stuff, having to...
Collaborative Tools Project